When connecting to a remote server, it is essential to establish a secure channel for communication. Using the SSH (Secure Shell) Protocol is the best way to establish a protected connection. Unlike the previously used Telnet, SSH access encrypts all data transmitted in the exchange. You need to install the SSH Daemon and to have an SSH Client with which you issue commands and manage servers to gain remote access using the SSH protocol. By default, SSH uses port 22. Everyone, including hackers, knows this. Most people do not configure this seemingly insignificant detail. However, changing the port number is an easy way to reduce the chances of hackers attacking your server. Therefore, the best practice for SSH is to use port numbers between 1024 and 32,767.
The public key has several copies, one of which remains on the server, while others are shared with users. Anyone that has the public key has the power to encrypt data, while only the user with the corresponding private key can read this data. The private key is not shared with anyone and must be kept secure. When establishing a connection, the server asks for evidence that the user has the private key, before allowing privileged access.

Dealing with questions from audience members can be one of the most difficult aspects of presenting your research. In addition to the pressure of speaking in front of a crowd of your academic peers, questions can often be difficult to answer for a number of reasons: communication difficulties, lack of information, inability to understand the exact question, or even difficulty hearing the speaker. Even if you know your research topic inside and out, these questions can cause a lot of frustration for even the best researchers.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for the Q&A session and make it a productive part of your presentation. The following guideline provide a comprehensive approach to answering questions you are likely to encounter during your research presentations and gives you some simple advice on how to respond to these difficult questions and awkward situations.

The number of women in tech events have been increasing year over year, further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech. Something especially important given the findings of our recent gender study.
We’ve established a thorough directory of the most prominent women in tech conferences happening in 2020. These events focus on empowering women through conferences that help attendees learn new skills, make valuable connections, discuss innovative trends, promote intersectionality, and access motivational leaders.

Everyone comes to work to do a good job. There are, of course, those who need more time and energy spent on them than others to get the most out of them. Yet few come to work thinking, “I am deliberately going to underperform today.” When it comes to interaction and communication, the failure to execute well at an individual level will be down to the performance environment that surrounds an individual. In particular:
– Expectations not matched or aligned in their situation,
– Inability to be clear and precise,
– No feedback,
– Out-of-balance consequences.
Exceptional people excel because they create their own performance environment. They don’t wait for others. If the expectations are unclear they clarify them, if they have not received any feedback they go and source it, if they don’t have all the resources they need they go and find them. Excellent performers not only deliver on their promises, they know how to remove the barriers that might get in the way.

Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of life and industry, yet there is little understanding of how it can be used to promote student engagement, a concept receiving strong attention in higher education due to its association with a number of positive academic outcomes. The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the literature from the past 5 years related to how web-conferencing software, blogs, wikis, social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), and digital games influence student engagement. We prefaced the findings with a substantive overview of student engagement definitions and indicators, which revealed three types of engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) that informed how we classified articles. Our findings suggest that digital games provide the most far-reaching influence across different types of student engagement, followed by web-conferencing and Facebook.
The growth of STEAM and more technology to the classroom has added to a sometimes heterogeneous educational technology environment. In some cases, the use of computers and technology enhanced learning is still not consistent across classes in the same school, let alone consistent across schools.
The new partnership between Apple and Cisco announced on Monday will enable enterprises to give their most important iOS apps priority and route voice calls over their own networks. The agreement shows that mobile devices and apps are replacing traditional IT in many enterprises. Cisco says that about 30% of voice calls in business today are mobile. Cisco and Apple want to combine mobile and traditional enterprise technologies to help people work better in the enterprises. But they’re not saying when that vision’s going to help the enterprises.
This kind of integration hasn’t been possible before, he said. Users can better count on good connections over a private network than on a typical cellular network, too, he said, though the companies also plan to bring benefits to carrier networks. There are at least a couple of ways Cisco says the partners can boost mobile performance for iOS devices in the workplace. For one thing, they will be able to prioritize data traffic by application.
We blend all of the system’s I/O traffic into a single shared active-active
network that carries all modes of communication from servers to the outside world. Our low-latency, high-bandwidth network fabric is a shared resource so networking can be allocated to interfaces based on policies rather than physical interface configuration and hard-wired cabling. The result is that you can provision and balance resources to meet your workload needs easily.
From the very beginning, Cisco UCS was designed with the entire state
of each server—identity, configuration, and connectivity—abstracted into
software. This makes our system fully composable: adaptable through
software to meet the varying requirements of both modern workloads and
traditional monolithic business applications. With a completely programmable system, you can give your clients the level of control they need to manage
their workloads. For global organizations, Cisco Intersight™ software-asa-service management gives you complete role- and policy-based control
over all of your resources regardless of where they reside.